Monday, November 28, 2011

To Begin Again

"Two birds in the hand" is the name of this little painting.
"Madonna" is the name of this little painting.

I have been producing more little paintings, fewer details, meeting more deadlines.

Along the way I have been introduced to the art of two men who hold a devoted hand to their paintbrushes and sculpting tools.

Alexi Torres a master painter of such passion and detail and Grainger McKoy a sculptor of birds in flight, in life, in a vulnerable recovery.

I have learned more from seeing the work of these men and being in their presence. It sounds a little creepy and new-agey using phrases like that, but feeling the commitment to their art. Their love for what they do. The attention they pay their art. It is a wake-up call to me.

I have been reminded of this recently in my own work. Slow down and reconnect with what makes my art my own. The detail, the color, the beth of the art is what is missing.

Regroup and begin again.

copyright 2011 Beth Crews Rommel

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